Thursday, December 9, 2010

Evaltuative Conclusion

Well I did not like this assignment. One reason is I don't like posting things on Facebook or on a Blog. Anything I want to remember I'm going to write in my journal and I don't want anyone to see it. The second reason I didn't like this assignment is that it wasn't explained very well. If you wanted it to have a audience and a theme explain that at the beginning not at the end.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving is at a terrible time

Now don't get me wrong. I love Thanksgiving. We as a people don't spend enough time thinking of the things that we should be grateful for so its good that we have at least once a year where we do. It's not the actual holiday that I don't like but the break with it. After not having school for a week I have no desire to do any homework for school. Of course all the homework I'm not doing is stuff for finals which is really important which is not good. Hopefully my after Thanksgiving apathy will not kill my grades at the end.