Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research Topic

My research topic is why do some people need more or less sleep than others. In connection with that are people's sleep schedule programmed into us or can we train ourselves to sleep during the day.


  1. I like it...I know that there is a lot of research in this field but not many definitive conclusions (were you aware that we know very little about dreaming and why we do it?). It really would be fun to draw your own conclusions. The paper would almost write itself. Great topic.

  2. I love this topic! Let me know what you find out;it is info I could use.

  3. I like the topic but seeing as we're using mass media . . . you hinted at it but maybe you could be clearer on how the media is affecting our sleep scheduals.

  4. Yes I know of lots of studies about this. It's interesting what our internal clock tells our bodies to do. I actually don't know if its possible because of all the external cues we rely on, so it would be an interesting research topic. Good luck!

  5. You could focus specifically on college students, particularly freshmen, as they seem to be sleep deprived.
